This old photo, i buy in Ohio antiques store. When i saw it, observe its color sephia, the frame work is not common in metal at least here on the island. It was something old, perhaps negligible value to me was telling, a story of love pierce time. Esta foto antigua la compre en una tienda de antiguedades en Ohio, y me llamo la atencion su marco en metal, y su color sephia , es pintada a mano y habia traspasado el tiempo, asi como muchas antiguedades que no sabemos su prosedencia , pero nos cautivan cuando vemos que el paso del tiempo , las cambia de color sin destruirlas , y quizas tienen tanta historia que contar...
4 comentarios:
Ohhhh...this photo is so nostalgic and very beautiful!
Good week-end,
Dearest Rose Marie,
Sorry for not having visited you often... it takes so much time with Pieter and also my two guests from The Netherlands. So I hardly get time to blog!
Such a photo with beautiful 'Love Couple' makes one wonder indeed... What happened? What was their story? Are their no loved ones that would have wanted to keep this treasure?
Thanks for sharing this.
Sunny greetings from Georgia/USA
Preciosa foto...pienso igual que tu, imagino su historia y como el paso del tiempo pasa por las cosas dejando un rastro...
Un saludo, Lucy
I will tell you that he does not know who they are the ones in the photo. I saw this for sale as basing buy it in some detail, bearing in mind that they were a young couple that with any old photo he had spent all these years. I am fascinated by antique clear that I have access to many of them, because only when I travel and I do very little. My philosophy with regard to these treasures', is that previous to their owners, they contain truths that we rarely know as the passage of time left on these things play a very special track. They are imbued with a certain degree of mystery and certainly bring a story, often beautiful, on this young couple, just hope they are happy! Maybe they did not have family or do not like old things, to preserve ... who knows. I'm glad that Mariette Peters has succeeded in its crisis with the help of God, everything will be fine. that these situations are unexpected turn us life and routine. Blessings
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