Saque este "viejestorio" y lo puse en mi sala de estar . No es un original, pero crea la misma impresion. Asi que escuchando su musica pense un momento en las personas del pasado, que mientras inventaban y se mejoraban los equipos y la tecnologia , los avances en el mundo estos escuchaban una musica :estruendosa e imperfecta . Sin embargo todos hemos pasado por lo mismo, recuerdo cuando no habian celulares , y el tel. estaba "estacionado" en la casa o en las casetas de tel. Ahora el celular es cuestion para muchos de vida o muerte"!
6 comentarios:
How lovely! My husband has been wanting a victrola but we have no place to put it. :/ Hope you are having a happy day. Tammy
Your pictures are always so beautiful, I love the music that comes out of these, Sometimes they come up in auctions but are too big to travel with ( anything I buy I need to carry with me from Holland to Dubai) last time I bought a vintage music box with a few nice tunes, I play it often.
Thank you for all your sweet comments, I'm always happy to read them.
Best Wishes,
This is nice !! lovely post !! lovely weekend...love Ria....
Dearest Rose Marie,
Pieter has fond memories of such an old gramophone but when they hid it before having to evacuate during the end of the WWII, the German soldiers had discovered the hiding place for all their valuables and it was all gone... So now only the stories and memories live on. Too bad because it is history of our very life.
Lots of love,
Hello dear Rosa,
Yes, hasn't technology changed and so quickly when my mom and dad would have listened to music on something like your beautiful gramophone there. You are so lucky to have one of those. Your home looks so beautiful, very romantic and pretty!
Hugs, Cindy
Thank you for your visit and very nice comment on my blog! What a lovely picture!
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