sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Me encanta el printed de estse cojin.
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2 comentarios:

Mariette dijo...

Dearest Rose Marie,

Oh my goodness; you could be my twin-sister with your taste for roses and angels! LOVE, LOOOOOOOVE this rose fabric; what a romantic pillow that is.
Enjoy your meal (yeah, for sure it is all gone...) and have a great weekend together!
Lots of love,


Rose M. Rodriguez dijo...

We are in Christ! Sisters! I know you like angels and roses for the truth is to decorate with these two different things make them look so beautiful environment, give up peace! do not you think? know that my physician in his office has the Angels that both have, but in a square much larger and believe me , every time I go there, I remember Mariette who lives in Georgia! and if you saw them fall in love with these, I'll take a picture the next time you go!

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