Hello to all the ladies who have discovered that the little things are the great mysteries. The nest was abandoned by its occupants. A couple of birds who for months were raising their children' . As this happened I had wait for them, then put your "home" her nest on my window and i could not wash because that would have meant removing the nest.Observed nowadays for a while, that they feed their young,taught them to fly, the care of large birds who wanted to harm them one of them fell to the floor and i fear that they wanted no more,so put it back into nest. They left and the left from its net, which now use to decorated, because for me it has a spiritual connotation, and an analogy with our lives.The word of God says, he has taken care of the birds, they do not "sow or work but" hhave everything needed to survive winters even impossible to survive. It God cares for the birds, the more you will not do for you and me!
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